BCPL Careers
Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited offers opportunities for professional growth and development. It strives to promote positive work culture that emphasizes employee development and satisfaction.
We focus on sustainability, promoting a healthy and productive working environment.
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BCPL 33/2025 Recruitment for the post of Officer (Laboratory) and Officer (Hindi) Download Result
Formats and Forms
Form Download
Format of income and asset certificate to be produced by applicant of economically weaker sections (EWS) category Download
Format of certificate to be produced by applicant of other backward class - non creamy (OBC-NC) category Download
Format of certificate to be produced by applicant of scheduled caste (SC) or scheduled tribe (ST) category Download
Format of certificate to be produced by applicant of benchmark disability category Download
Form for Employment Download
Travelling Allowance Reimbursement Form Download
Bank Authorization Form Download
Attention of public is drawn to the fact that BCPL recruits directly its regular employees through Open Competition as per the Presidential directives and other government guidelines under recruitment rules of the company. We recruit deserving candidates based on the performance/capability of the candidates in written test and/or Group Discussion and/or interview.

BCPL Management hereby informs that none of the BCPL employees demands or receives directly or indirectly any sort of kind/cash or in any form from any candidate/person/tribe/community/organisation/Agency.

It is hereby informed that if anybody has got any information with regard to receipts of bribes or cash/kind or in any form by any BCPL employee, the same may please be brought to the notice of BCPL Management and/or Chief Vigilance Officer of BCPL.